Geoffrey Sirett


Hailed by the Globe and Mail as “a brilliant performer,” “with the kind of magnetism that comes from combining realism with exhaustive extremes,” baritone Geoffrey Sirett won the 2018 Dora Award for Outstanding Opera Performance singing the leading role of Akaky in The Overcoat (Canadian Stage, Tapestry Opera, & Vancouver Opera). Geoffrey’s upcoming and recent engagements include Bach’s Ich habe genug with Thirteen Strings Chamber Orchestra, Brahms’ Requiem with the Victoria Symphony, Orff’s Carmina Burana with the Orchestre philharmonique et Choeur des Mélomanes at Maison Symphonique de Montréal, and Handel’s Brockes Passion with Jonathan Oldengarm at Metropolitan United (Toronto). Other recent highlights include Brahms’ Requiem for the Richard Eaton Singers, Messiah for the Ottawa Choral Society, Arabella with the Canadian Opera Company, H.M.S. Pinafore and The Merry Widow with Edmonton Opera, Weill’s Seven Deadly Sins with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, and St. John Passion with the Ottawa Choral Society and the Elora Singers.