T(r)e Deum

Glorious, Intimate Settings of Te Deums by Haydn, Dvorak and Pärt

St. Francis of Assisi, 20 Fairmont Avenue, Ottawa

Presenting three settings of the “Te Deum” from three musical eras: Haydn (classical), Dvorak (Romantic) and Pärt (20th century). Haydn’s Te Deum is like a short choral concerto, highlighting the glorious sound of trumpets in C major. Dvorak’s piece features gorgeous soprano and baritone solos, and combines symphonic grandeur with an exploration into the elements of folk music. Pärt uses his signature tintinnabulli style to create a serene and meditative mood, using an electronic drone and long sustained strings. 


Gabrielle Gaudreault
OCS Artistic Director & Conductor
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Alexandra Harvey
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Jorell Williams
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Ottawa Music Company
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